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5 Things You Need to Know Right Now!

As the school year begins many students are contemplating going to college. It is important that you understand the importance of staying on top of tasks and deadlines. If college is in your horizon, see our list of 5 Things you should keep in mind in order to fulfill your dreams!

  • Your MINDSET plays a major role in your success, whether you are applying it to your entrepreneurial endeavors, business ventures, relationships and economical statures and everyday life decisions. The way you think about things affects your behavior. In order to gain full benefit out of life you must maintain a positive mindset.

  • Apply to ALL of the colleges you are interested in. Know that it is possiblefor you to get into that school. There are some super selective schools, but they do want students who thrive to fall under their mission to succeed. Keep in mind that you must do your research in order to understand the college’s selection process. Most open applicant schools accept 90 to 100% of applicants.

  • States require that their students take a standardized test that places them within a percentage of performance. You are MORE than a test score. If you know you may not score as well on these test, it’s not over for you. During your High School years make sure you get invloved.

  • Keep Calm, You can do it. Choosing a University is a big decision but make sure you enjoy the process. Don’t forget to stay on target and keep your goals in the forefront and trust the process.

  • Remember you are not ALONE. It is essential that you involve your family and friends in your decision making. This is going to be a big transition for you and you better believe that they want to be a part of the process. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek assistance and feel comfortable with your decision. Your school counselor is also imperative during this process, make an appointment and map out all your options.

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