How to Train for a 5k

Let's face it, running any distance for any amount of time can be an intimidating task. It's hard enough to get up and excercise on a regular basis let alone train for a race. The first step you can take to accomplishing a 5k or any other race is to sign up and pay your fees. Now you have committed. After this is done the real work begins- training. So what is it that you need to do to become race ready? Follow these suggestions and your off to a great start!
When training for a 5k which is 3.1 miles, you may want to consider begining your training at least one month out from your race date. This is a great time frame, especially for thoes who may not have experience in running races or exercising at all.
Find a great pair of running shoes- You will need to invest in a good pair of running shoes that fit comfortably and correctly. Hit up you local running store and asked to be fitted. You can usually test shoes inside the store by running on a treadmil.
Get a running buddy- Your running buddy should be committed and hold you accountable to your training schedule.
Create a training schedule- During week one you can begin with a thirty minute walk or light jog. Dont worry about how many miles you complete. Just focus on completing your thirty minute time frame. In the second week you should be able to complete at least two miles. Try not to stop unless you obsolutely have to. During the third week you will move up to completing three miles. By the fourth week try running the entire 3.1 miles.
Hydrate- Water will become your best friend. This will be an essentail part of your training. It will come in handy especially when training in warmer temperatures.
Strectch- Stretching will keep your muscles limber and improve your range of motion. You will be sore after your practice runs, so stretching will be very important.
Helpful Apps: Try using an app to help track your workouts, times and milage. Here are just a few...
Map My Run
Nike+ Running
Hopefully these suggestions will help you in your quest towards completing your 5k race!